Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Recent Successes

JM finished Science of Survival book and says, “I am more aware of theta and entheta and I am not so adversely affected by entheta. I see myself as more of a positive influence on others. “

CN completed the Advanced Procedure and Axioms book and lecture course and says, “Sometimes on this course I felt like I was moving blocks of concrete- and towards the end actually realized I had! Oddly enough, somewhere on the journey I lost some masses, some seriousness, some effort…some somethings! I feel much calmer and more secure in some of the things I know because I got BASIC about it!”

DL finished Milestone One lecture course. Here is his success story: “I loved this course. It was very exciting. After all it is the first course in Scientology. I understand Scientology and what it is and what it means so much better. You get the feeling on this course that some exciting things are coming.”